Friday, December 1, 2006

Requested articles/list of missing legal terms

On January 9, 2005, Ringtones for motorola User:The_Anome dumped an enormous list of Holly Coed law/legal terms on to the Hotlink caller ringtones Requested_articles/Applied_arts_and_sciences/Applied Sciences request page. Since it is reasonable to conclude that this list is a dump from some legal reference, rather than a set of specific requests, it has been relocated to this side page in order to decrease the size of the request page. What remains of The_Anome's list appears below. Specific requests for new legal pages should be placed on the appropriate request page.

List of Missing Legal Terms
=A:= Liz Ashley Nude ab extra Alltel ringtones Abandoned property Soft Cotton Panties Abate Samsung ringtones Able-bodied Teen Asss Abrogate Real ringtones Abscond Sugar Thongs Abstention doctrine Cingular Ringtones Abstract of judgment him white Abuse of discretion responsibility a Abut take excluding Acceleration clause saying tsz Acceptance of service - province its Account stated directions for Accounting period racist hatred Accounting reference date fortunes may Accrue summitt her Acknowledge such jokes Acknowledgement of service feed our Actionable technology can Actual controversy man contemplating Actual notice brokaw position ad colligenda bona work each ad idem - deepest gorge ad litem server hackers ad quod damnum witnesses if ad seriatim said danner Addendum demuth decries Adeem Ademption Adequate remedy Adjourn Adjournment in contemplation of dismissal Adjusted basis Adjuster Administer Administration order Administrative hearing - Adminstrator Admiralty actions Admissible evidence Admission Admission of evidence Admission of guilt Admission to bail Admit Advancement Adverse Adverse interest Adverse party Adverse witness Advisory opinion Affiant Affirm After-acquired property After-discovered evidence Agency agreement Agent for acceptance of service Agreed statement Aid and abet Alienation of affections - Aliunde All the estate I own Allegation Allege Allocation questionnaire Alluvion Alternate director Alternative pleading Amended complaint Amended pleading American depository receipt Ancillary administration Ancillary jurisdiction Annual general meeting - Antenuptial (prenuptial) agreement Anticipatory breach Apparent authority Appear Appellee Applicant Appraise Appraisement or appraisal Appraiser Appreciate Approach Approach the bench Approach the witness Appurtenances Appurtenant Arbitrary Arbitration award arguendo Argumentative Arm's length Arrears Article I court Article I judge Article III court Article III judge Articles of association Articles of impeachment Articles of incorporation As is Assess Assign Assigned risk Assignee Assignment for benefit of creditors Assigns Assisted person Assume Assumption of risk Assured Attached Attachment of earnings - Attest Attestation Attorney of record Attorney's fee Attorney's work product Attractive nuisance doctrine Authorised share capital Authorize Avulsion

=B:= Back-to-back life sentences Bail schedule Balance due Bankruptcy court Bankruptcy proceedings Bargain and sale deed Beach bum trust provision Bearer paper Beneficial interest Beneficial use Benefit Benefit of counsel Bequeath Bequest Best evidence rule BFP Bid Bifurcate Bilateral contract Bill of costs Bill of exchange Bill of indictment Bill of particulars Bind over Bind over for sentence Blank endorsement Blue ribbon jury Blue sky laws Bona fide purchaser Bond for deed Bondsman Book account Bottomry Breach of trust Breach of warranty Brought to trial Bucket shop Building and loan Bulk sales acts Bulk transfer Burgage Business assets Business invitee But for rule Buy-sell agreement Bypass trust
=C:= C.I.F. Cadastral map cadit quaestio Calendar call - Capital assets Capital investment Capital stock Capitalized value Capricious Care Careless Carnal knowledge Carryback Carrying for hire Carrying on business Carryover Case conference Case law in the United States Case number Case of first impression Case system Cashier's check Casual Casualty loss Caution caveat Certificate of incorporation Certificate of legal aid costs Certificate of title Certified check Cessate Cestui que trust Cestui que use Challenge for cause Chancery division Change of venue Charging lien Charging order Charitable remainder trust Chattel mortgage Circuit courts Circuit judge Civil calendar Civil justice reforms Civil liability Civil penalties Claim against a governmental agency Claim against an estate Claim form - Clean hands doctrine Close corporation Closing Closing argument Cloud on title Co-trustee Code of professional responsibility Codefendant Cohabitation agreement Coinsurance Collateral descendant Collective agreement Collusive action Color of law Color of title Comaker Comity Commencement of action Commercial frustration Commingling Commissioner of oaths Committal Common area Common counts Common property Commute a sentence Company seal Comparative negligence Competent Compound question Compounding a felony Compromise verdict Concealment Conclusion of fact Conclusion of law Concurrent sentence Concurrent sentences Concurrent writ Condemn Condemnation action Conditional bequest Conditional dismissal Conditional sale -Confess Confession and avoidance Confession of judgment Confidential communication - Confidential relation Confiscate Conflict of law - Conjugal rights Conscious parallelism Consecutive sentence Consecutive sentences Consensu Consensus ad idem Consent judgment Consequential damages Conservatee Conservator Consign Consignee Consignment Constitutional rights Constructive Constructive eviction Constructive fraud Constructive notice - Constructive trust Construe Consumer protection laws Contemplation of death Contingent beneficiary - Contingent interest Contingent remainder Continuance Continuing objection Continuing trespass contra bonos mores contra legem Contracted-out - Contributory negligence Controlling law Convey Conveyance Cooperative housing Cop a plea Copartner coram non judice Corporate opportunity corpus juris corpus juris civilis corpus juris secundum Corroborate Corroboration Cosign Cost bill Cost of completion Cotenancy Cotenant Counter offer Counterclaim Counterpart Course of employment Court calendar Court costs Court docket Court of customs and patent appeals Court of protection Court room Court trial Covenant not to compete Covenant that runs with the land Covenants, conditions and restrictions Credible witness Creditor's claim Creditor's rights Crime against nature Criminal attorney Criminal calendar Cross-complaint cui bono Culpable Cumis counsel Cumulative sentence Customary estate Customs court custos morum Cut a check Cy pres doctrine

=D:= Dangerous weapon Data protection Day in court de bonis non administratis de die in diem De facto corporation de futuro de integro De jure corporation de lege ferenda de lege lata Debtor in possession Decedent Decide Declaration of mailing Declaration of trust Decree absolute Decree nisi Dedication Deed of trust Default judgment Defeasance Defective Defective title Defense attorney Deficiency judgment Defined benefit plan Defined contribution plan Deforce Defraud Degree of kinship Delayed exchange Delinquent Deliver Demand note Demise Demonstrative evidence Denial Dependent Depreciate Depreciation reserve Dereliction Derivative action Descent and distribution Designated civil judge Detailed assessment Determinable Determination Deuce Devise Devisee Devolve Diligence Diminution in value Direct and proximate cause Direct evidence Directors register Disbursements Disciplinary procedure Discontinuance Discovery of documents Discretion Disfigure Dishonor Disinherit Disinheritance Disjunctive allegations Dismiss Dismissal without prejudice Disorderly house Disposing mind and memory Disposition Dispossess Dissenting opinion Dissolution of corporation Distinguish District judge District registrar District registry Disturbing the peace Diversity of citizenship Divisional court Documentary evidence Doing business doli incapax Domicile Dominant estate Dominant tenement Dominium Donative intent Donee Donor Dower Dram shop rule Drawee Drawer Drop dead date Dubitante duces tecum Due Due and owing Due, owing and unpaid Duty of care Duty to warn Dying declaration
=E:= Earnest payment Egress ei incumbit probatio qui Ejectment ejusdem generis Elder law Election of remedies Election under the will Elective share Eleemosynary Embezzler Emblements Emolument Emotional distress Employers liability Enabling clause Encroach Encroachment Endorse (indorse) Enfeoff Enfeoffment Enjoin Entail Enter a judgment Entry of judgment Environmental impact report Equal access act Equal protection of the law Equitable lien Equity of redemption erga omnes erratum Erroneous Errors and omissions Escalator clause Escape clause Escrow account Escrow agent Escrow instructions esse Establishment clause Estate by entirety Estop et seq et ux et uxor Evasion of tax ex aequo et bono ex concessis ex delicto ex facie ex propio motu ex rel Exception in deed Excessive bail - Exculpatory Excusable neglect Executive clemency Executory Executory interest executrix Exemplary damages exempli gratia Exempt Exempt employees Exempt property Exemption Exigent circumstances Expectancy Express warranty Extenuating circumstances Extinguishment Extraordinary fees Extraordinary general meeting Extraordinary resolution Extreme cruelty Extrinsic fraud Eyewitness

=F:= Face amount Faciendum Failure of consideration Failure of issue Fair comment - Fair trade laws - Family division Family purpose doctrine Fault auto insurance system Federal courts Federal question Federal tort claims act Felony murder doctrine Fem covert Feoff Feoffee Feoffment Fertile octogenarian - Fiduciary relationship fieri facias Final decree Final judgment Final settlement Finder of fact Finding Findings of fact Firm offer First impression First tier Fixture Floating charge Floating easement For value received Forbearance Forced sale Forcible entry Foreclosure sale Foreign corporation Forensic testimony Foreseeability Foreseeable risk Forthwith forum conveniens forum non conveniens Foster child Four corners of an instrument Franchise tax Fraud in the inducement Fraudulent conveyance Free and clear Fresh pursuit Friendly suit Frisk Frivolous Fructus naturales Frustration of purpose Fugitive from justice Fully paid functus officio Fungible things
=G:= Garnish Garnishee Gender bias General appearance General counsel General damages General denial General partner General plan Generation skipping Gift in contemplation of death Gift tax Go bail Going concern Good cause Good samaritan rule Good title Governmental immunity Grace period Grand theft Grandfathered in Grant deed Grantor-grantee index Gratuitous Grievance procedure Gross income Gross negligence Grounds for divorce - Guarantor Guaranty Guardian ad litem Guest Guest statute

=H:= Habitable Habitual criminal Half blood Harass Harmless error Head of household Headnote Headright Health care proxy Hearsay rule Heat of passion Heirs of the body Held Hereditament Hidden asset High court High court judge Hobby loss Hold harmless Holder Holder in due course Holding Holdover tenancy Hometowned Hornbook law Hostile possession Hot pursuit Hotchpot House counsel Hypothecate
=I:= idem Immaterial Immediately Immigrant visa Impanel Impaneling Impleader Implied Implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing Implied terms Implied warranty Implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose Implied warranty of habitability Implied warranty of merchantability Importation right - Impound Improve Improvement Impute In chambers in curia in delicto in esse in extenso in extremis - in flagrante delicto in forma pauperis in futoro in haec verba In kind in lieu in omnibus in pari delicto In perpetuity In pro per in prope persona in propria persona in re in rem in terrorem in terrorem clause - Incapacity Inchoate Incidental beneficiary Incompatibility Incompetent Incompetent evidence Incorporate by reference Incorporeal Incriminate Incumbrance Indefeasible Indefeasible estate Indemnify Indeterminate sentence indicia Indigent Indispensable party Indorse Indorsement Industrial tribunal Information and belief Infractions Ingress Insertion - Inspection of documents Installment contract Insufficient evidence Insured - Integrated Circuit Topography Act inter se - Inter vivos trust Interim order Interium Interlineation interlocutory Interlocutory decree Interlocutory order Intervene Intervening cause intra intra fauces terra intra legem intra vires Inverse condemnation - Invitee Involuntary ipsissima verba Irreparable damage or injury Issued shares

=J:= Joinder of issue Joint adventure Joint and several Joint and several liability Joint and survivor annuity Joint custody Joint enterprise Joint liability Joint powers agreement Joint property Joint tenancy Joint tortfeasors Joint venture agreement Jointure Jones act Judge advocate Judge advocate general Judgment by default Judgment creditor Judgment debt Judgment debtor Judgment notwithstanding the verdict Judicial foreclosure - Judicial proceedings Judicial sale Jump bail jurat Jurisdictional amount Jury box Jury charge Jury fees Jury of one's peers Jury panel Jury selection Jury stress jus civile jus gentium jus inter gentes jus naturale jus sanguines Just cause Just compensation Justiciable Juvenile court
=L:= Labor and materials Landlady Landlord and tenant Landlord and tenant act Landlord's lien Lapse Last antecedent rule Last clear chance Latent defect Lateral support Law and literature Law and motion calendar Law book Law lords Law of admiralty Law of the case Law of the land Lay a foundation Leading the witness Lease and release Legacy Legal advertising Legal aid society Legal custody Legal latin Legal personal representative Legal services Legatee Lemon law Lemon laws Lessee Lesser crime Lesser included offenses Lesser-included offense Let Letters of administration Letters testamentary Lewd and lascivious lex communis lex lata lex posterior derogat priori lex scripta lex specialis derogat generali Libel per se - Licensor Lie detector test Lienor Limitation of actions Limited jurisdiction Limited partner Lineal descendant Lineup Liquidate Liquidated damages Liquidator Listing questionnaire Literary property Litigious Livery of seizin Locator locus delicti locus in quo Loiter Long cause Long vacation Long-arm statute Lord Justice of appeal Loss of consortium Loss of use Lübeck law
=M:= Magistrates court Mail box rule Maim Maintenance pending suit Make one whole Malfeasance Malice aforethought Mandatory Mandatory joinder Manifest Mann act mare clausum mare liberum Marital deduction Marital life estate Marital rights Marked for identification Marketable title Massachusetts trust Master and servant Material representation Matter of record Maxims Maxims of law McNabb-Mallory rule Medical directive Meet and confer Memorandum of association Mental anguish Mental competency Mental cruelty Mental suffering Mercantile law Merchantable Mesne mesne assignment Mesne profits Mining claim Ministerial act Minority shareholder Mirror wills Misadventure Misappropriation Misfeasance Misjoinder Misprision of a felony Misrepresentation Mitigating factors Mitigation Mitigation of damages Molestation Month-to-month Moot point Moral certainty Moral turpitude More or less Mortgagee Mortgagor Motion for a summary judgment Motion for directed verdict Motion for dismissal Motion for summary judgment Motion to strike Motion to suppress Motion to suppress evidence Movant Multi track Multifarious Multiplicity of suits Muniment of title Mutual wills

=N:= N.O.V. Named plaintiffs National Insurance contributions ne exeat Necessary inference Necessary party Negative declaration Negative pregnant - Net estate New matter Next friend Next of kin nisi nisi prius No fault divorce No fault insurance No-par stock Nominal damages Nominal party Nominal value non constat non est factum non liquet non obstante verdicto Non-conforming use Non-contestability clause Non-contiguous Non-discretionary trust Non-executive director Non-feasance - Non-suit Nonimmigrant visa Notice Notice of appeal Notice of default Notice of issue Notice to quit Notorious possession Noxious - nulla bona

=O:= O.R. O.S.C. obiter dictum Objection Obligations of confidentiality Obligee Obligor Occupancy Occupational disease Occupational hazard Occupy the field Of counsel Off calendar Offender Offer Offer of proof Offeree Offeror Officer of the court Official misconduct Official receiver Official solicitor Officious intermeddler Offshore corporation Omission Omnibus clause On all fours On demand On file On or about On or before On the merits On the stand onus probandi Open adoption Open court Opening statement Operation of law opinio juris sive necessitatis Oral examination Order to show cause Ordinary course of business Ordinary resolution Ordinary shares Originating application orse Ostensible agent Ostensible authority Ouster Out of court Out-of-pocket expenses Outbuilding Output contract Overcharge Overrule Overt act Owe Own recognizance
=P:= Paid into court Pain and suffering Pander Panderer Paper hanger par delictum Paramount title Parent company Parental neglect Pari delicto Pari passu Parol Parol evidence rule Partial breach Partial disability Partial verdict Participate Particulars Partly-paid Party and party Party of the first part Party of the second part Party wall Patent ambiguity Patent defect Paternity suit Pay Pay as you earn (paye) Payable Payable on demand Payee Payment in due course Payment in full Payor Peace bond Peaceable possession Peculation Pecuniary Penal Penal notice Penalty phase Pendent jurisdiction pendente lite Pension scheme per curiam per diem per minas per pro per quod Peremptory Peremptory challenge Peremptory challenges Peremptory writ of mandate Perfected Permanent disability Permanent injunction Permissive Permit Personal application Personal effects Personal guardian Personal recognizance Personal representative Personal service Personal services Personalty Petition for probate Petty larceny Petty offenses Physical custody Physician-patient privilege Pierce the corporate veil Piercing the corporate veil Pink slip Plain error Plain view doctrine Plaint note Plaint number Planting and seating Plea in abatement Pleadings Plenary Police court Police powers Positive law Possession of stolen goods Possession proceedings Possessory Possessory interest Possibility of a reverter Postdated check Pour over will Power of acceptance Power of appointment Power of arrest Practicable Pre-emption rights Precatory Predecease Preemptive right Preliminary injunction Premeditation Presentment President of the family division Presiding judge Presumption Pretermitted heir Pretrial discovery Prevailing party Prima facie case Prima impressionis Prime suspect Principal place of business Prior(s) Private carrier Private nuisance Private road Privilege against self incrimination Privileged communication Privileges and immunities Privity pro bono publico pro hac vice pro per pro rata pro tanto pro tem pro tempore Probative facts Probative value Proceeding Process server Professional negligence Proffer Proper party Property guardian propria persona Proprietary interest Proprietary rights Proprietor Protective custody Protective order Prove up Provisional remedy Proviso Prudent man rule Public administrator Public charge Public easement Public figure Public nuisance Public record Public trust doctrine Public trustee Public use Publici juris Puffing Puisne judge Putative Putative father
=Q:= quaeitur quaere quasi Quasi community property Quasi corporation Quasi in rem Quasi-criminal Queen's bench Queens bench division Queens counsel Question of law qui tam action quid pro quo sexual harassment Quiet enjoyment Quiet title action Quit Quitclaim deed Quitrent Quotient verdict
=R:= Race to the courthouse RICO (law) Ratable ratio decidendi ratio scripta Rational basis Ready, willing and able Real party in interest Realty Reasonable care Reasonable doubt Reasonable reliance Reasonable speed Reasonable time Reasonable wear and tear rebus sic stantibus Recapture Recidivist Reciprocal discovery Reckless Reckless disregard Reckless driving Recording acts Recoupment Recourse Recover Recoverable Recusal Recuse Redeem Redemption of shares Redetermination Refresh one's memory Register of members Registered office Registered trade mark Registration statement Registry of deeds Rehearing Rejection of claim Release on one's own recognizance Relevancy Reliction Remainderman Remand Remise Remittitur Removal Renewal Rent review Rental value Renunciation Reorganization - Reply brief Represent - Reputed Request Requirements contract res res adjudicata res gestae res nulis res publica christiana Resale Rescind Rescission Rescue doctrine Reserve fund Residuary bequest Residuary estate Residuary legatee Resisting arrest - Restatement of the law Restraint of trade Restraint on alienation Restrictive endorsement Resulting trust Retainer Retaining lien Retrial Return of service Revenue ruling Reversal Reversion Reverter Revocable living trust Revocation Right of audience Right of eminent domain Right of survivorship Riparian rights Risk of loss Roadside test Rogatory letters Rules of court Ruling Running at large Running with the land

=S:= Satisfaction of judgment Satisfaction of mortgage Save harmless Sciens scienter scintilla scire facias Scope of employment se defendendo Sealed verdict Sealing of records Second tier Secret rebate Secret tribunal Secured transaction Security agreement Security deposit Security interest Security of tenure Secus Seised Seisin Seized Self-certify Self-dealing Self-executing Self-incrimination Self-serving semble Senior lien Separate property Separation agreement Sequester Sequestration Sergeantry seriatim Service by fax Service by mail Service by publication Service contract Servient estate Set aside Setoff Settlor Severable contract Several liability Share and share alike Share capital Share certificate Shareholders agreement Shareholders' agreement Shareholders' derivative action Shareholders' meeting Sharp practice Shepardize Sheriff's sale Short cause Shortening time Show cause order Sick pay Similarly situated Simple trust Simultaneous death act Single life annuity situs Small claims track Solicitor general Solvency Sound mind and memory Sounds in Speaking demurrer Special Special administrator Special appearance Special circumstances Special damages Special notice Special resolution Special verdict Specific bequest Specific devise Specific finding Specific legacy Specified claim Speculative damages Speedy trial Spendthrift clause Spendthrift trust Spontaneous exclamation Spot zoning Spousal right Springing interest Standard of care Star chamber proceedings State action State of domicile Stationhouse bail Status conference Statutes of fraud Statutory offer of settlement Stay away order Stay of execution Stet Stipendiary magistrate Stock certificate Stock in trade Stockholders' derivative action Stop and frisk Straw deed Strict construction sua sponte sub judice sub modo sub nomine sub silentio Sub-tenant Subchapter S corporation Subject to Sublease Sublet Submitted Subordination agreement Subornation of perjury subpoena ad testificum Subrogor Subsidiary company Substantial performance Substitute in Substituted service Substitution of attorney Successive sentences suggestio falsi Sum certain Summary adjudication of issues Summary assessment Summary dismissal Summing supersedeas Superseding cause Supplemental suppressio veri Suppression of evidence supra Supreme Court of judicature Surplusage Surrebutal Surrogate Surrogate court Survivorship Sustain Swindle
=T:= T.R.O. Table A Tainted evidence - Talis qualis Tangible personal property Tangible property Tax costs Tax court Tax sale Taxation of costs Temporary injunction Temporary insanity Tenancy at sufferance Tenancy at will Tenancy by the entirety Tenancy in common Tentative trust Terms and conditions of employment Terms and conditions of purchase Terms and conditions of sale Testacy Testamentary Testamentary capacity Testamentary disposition Testamentary trust Testate Testator Testatrix Teste Third tier Third-party beneficiary Thirds Thirty-day notice Tide lands Time is of the essence Time served Timely Tipstaff Title abstract Title report Title search To wit Tools of trade Tort claims act Totten trust Trade fixture Trademarks registry Trader Transfer agent Transfer in contemplation of death Transfer of shares Treble damages Triple net lease True bill Trust deed Trust fund Trustee in bankruptcy Trustor Truth in lending act Try title Turn states' evidence
=U:= Uberrima fides UCC-1 Ultimate fact Ultrahazardous activity Under the influence Underwriting agreement Undisclosed principal Undivided interest Undue influence Unified estate and gift tax Uniform reciprocal enforcement of support act Unilateral contract Uninsured motorist clause Unissued stock Unjust taking Unlawful Unlawful assembly Unlawful detainer uno flatu Unreasonable search and seizure Unspecified claim Use Use tax Usurious uti possidetis uxor
=V:= Vacate Valid claim Valuable consideration Vehicular manslaughter vel non venire Vested remainder Vested right vide Visitation right Void for vagueness Void marriage Voidable Voidable marriage Volens Voluntary bankruptcy Voting trust
=W:= Wage execution Waive Walking possession Wanton Ward of court Wardship Warrant of committal Warrant of delivery Warrant of execution Warrant of possession Warranty deed Waste land Watered stock Weight of evidence Wet reckless Widow's election Will contest Willful Willfully Wind up Winding up Winding-up Witness stand Words of art Work product Workers' compensation acts Workmen's compensation World court Writ of attachment Writ of coram nobis Writ of execution Writ of mandate Wrongful discharge
=Y:= Your honor Youthful offenders